Business Planning Survey Template for
Ram Management Services, Inc.

   A Simple Form to complete to begin discussions.
All information is considered confidential and will not be shared
 with anyone or with any other organization.  


Please answer the following questions:

What is your previous work experience?
How does this work experience relate to your potential business?
What are your potential company's business objectives?
What will the company's mission statement be?
What will the company's "keys to success" be?
What is unique about your potential company?
What is your current assessment of the market conditions the company will start under?
What is your estimate of the initial investment costs of your potential business?

What are your estimated revenues for the first 5 years of your potential business?
In what year do you expect to break-even?

Including yourself, how many employees do you anticipate
 for the first 5 years of your potential business? Total # of Employees
What resources do you need to help you launch your business?
What areas of your potential business are your strengths?
What areas of your potential business are your weaknesses?
Please provide the following demographic information. 
This information is necessary for us to assist you with developing
 a business plan. It will only be used for this purpose and will not be
 shared with anyone outside of our organization.

What is your gender?

How old are you?

Which of the following best represents the highest level of education that you have completed?

Are you currently employed?

[Goto question Income]
Do you plan to keep working at your present job while you start-up your business?

Which of the following best describes your total household income before taxes last year?

Contact Information
Please fill out this information so we can contact you.

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